Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The Zapatista National Liberation Army appeared in the public sphere in 1994. The Zapatista women came together after years of Indigenous Women in Mexico branching out and joining forces in an effort o overturn the oppression they faced and reorganize their roles within their families and society.
The Zapatista became kep players in the fight for Indigenous Womens rights which includes the right to political participation, to live free of violence and to be treated fairly I the workplace and in their families.
As their numbers grew and Zapatista drew more attention the economy because to turn and push women back into the informal economic sector which associated themselves with under-valued domestic roles. However, tey maintained their connections with the women they had met and continued to refect on society outside of their homes.
In 1997 the National Coordinating Committee of Indigenous Women was formed by approxomatey 20 women representing communities throughout Mexico.

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