Wednesday, September 22, 2010

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Eighth Session

As the economy changes and natural resources become scarce many Indigenous Peopes are being forcibly removed fromtheir land under Government and Military pursuasion. This migration removes Indigenous Peoples from the ways of life that they have lived for many enerations and have cultural as well a spiritual ties to the lands.
After migrating to other areas Indigenous Women become "cheap unrecognizable labour" and are forced to work without health benefits or protection under labor laws. Many are forced into the sex market and are exposed to sexual, physical, emotional and psychological violence.
This is a statement made by the Global Indigenous Women's Caucus to ask the UN to acknowledge and affirm the rights that Indigenous Peoples have in our society and to state their concern and appallation at the treatment and policies that are aplied in these situations. The Global Indenous Women's Caucus ends with recommendations that call for many changes in policy and attitudes to ensure safe and fair treatment of all humans.

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