Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Talkin’ up to the White Woman: Aileen Moreton-Rbinson

This paper focuses on the differences between women and discusses the ways in which white women to to see themselves not simply as a woman, but as white woman. While they are engaged in the fight to blur the lines separating the white man and white women, the separation of white women and women of other races is prevalent.
I like how Moreton-Robinson mentions the way in which “difference” becomes a marker of that which is “not the same” – as if to say that white women do no see the difference between all races, simply that other races are not the same as them – they are not white. In their eyes Asian women, black women, indigenous women etc. are not distinct from one another, they are just not white.
After explaining the layout of the book I find it interesting that Moreton-Robinson makes an effort to prepare the (white) reader for possible discomfort as she seeks to upturn some of the deeply set beliefs that are instilled in our culture.

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